Stop spinning your wheels in under 15 minutes...

an easy-to-follow tapping session when you feel like "I have to but I can't"

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+ stop procrastination & perfectionism from running the show

Grab 3 more EFT sessions for only $27 
Session 1: When you just need to get started
Session 2: When you need to get shit done
Session 3: When you're feelin' some self-doubt


  • video with optional closed captions
  • audio straight from your phone (no login, yay!)

They're yours to keep, so you can come back to these sessions any time judgy Netflix asks "are you still watching?" 

Snag them now & save 50%.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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Heyyyy, I'm Jacqui!

Former butt-clencher, highly sensitive enneagram 8, woo-skeptical turned woo-adjacent certified Advanced EFT Tapping Practitioner. 

Learn more about me and EFT.

DISCLAIMER Jacqui Acree offers services in this tapping series based on her background as certified Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner. Jacqui is not a licensed therapist, and EFT is not a substitute for psychotherapy or medical treatment. If there is any concern with regard to participation in these recordings, please discuss with a medical or mental health professional prior to engaging. By participating in these recordings, you take full responsibility for your experience.

The old advice *feel the fear and do it anyway* doesn’t address the immense amount of energy required to recover from doing scary things, like: pitching podcasts, showing up on social media, launching an offer and hearing *crickets*... 

As an entrepreneur, feeling scared is guaranteed. But that *deer in the headlights* feeling doesn’t have to keep you stuck in the cycle of starting and stopping.

Intentionally designed to support your nervous system, this easy-to-follow 15 minute EFT tapping session holds space for any fear without being directed by it, so you can take action towards your goals.

Repeat as often as you like to help you move through that *I have to but I can't* feeling.

Includes video (with optional closed captioning) and audio options, so you can choose the format that best suits you.

  • Total payment
  • 1xEFT Rescue: When you keep starting and stopping$27

All prices in USD
